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http://twitter.com/summapolitico http://handke-magazin. is the new main gateway to the Handke-blogs and to all
http://picasaweb.google.com/mikerol/HANDKE3ONLINE# ![]() "Chicquita abracas a todos" "Chicquita abracas a todos" http://www.facebook.com/mike. http://handke-magazin.
2] http://www.handke.scriptmania. "Sryde Lyde Myde Vorworde Vorhorde Vorborde." [von Alvensleben] "Siena me fe, disfescimi Maremma." [Dante] "Ennui [Lange Weile] is the dreambird that hatches the egg of experience." Walter Benjamin, the essay on Leskov. http://analytic-comments. http://summapolitico.blogspot. http://artscritic.blogspot. http://seattle-vistas. The Hub & its Handke Blogs! http://handke-watch.blogspot. http://handke-drama.blogspot.
http://handke-yugo.blogspot. kaspar gutman keeps wishing you "guten tag"!
============================== THE LINK TO MY BOOK "DEM HANDKE AUF DIE SCHLICHE"
http://www.kultur.at/lesen/index.htm AND TO AN INTERVIEW WITH LOTHAR STRUCK ABOUT HANDKE AND HIS CONTROVERSIES http://www.handkedrama.scriptmania.com and is 'LYNX' PAGE to access the 12 other subsites.
index to the entire site complex can be found further down THIS SITE, DEVOTED TO THE EXPLORATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF PETER HANDKE'S WORK TO FILM, IS AN OUTGROWTH OF handke.scriptmania.com
INTRA-LINK PAGES FOR ALL HANDKE-BLOGS AND HANDKE.SCRIPTMANIA SITES and the handke.scriptmania project http://www.handke.scriptmania. presents academic scholarship, creative personal essays, book reviews, bibliographic materials, primary texts etc. concerning the writings of Peter Handke. Submissions (in Rich Text Format) may be sent to[ scriptoman AT lycos.com] in any language. [1] FOR THE HANDKE-REVISTA-OF-REVIEWS-BLOG ONE PAGE BY TITLE EVENTUALLY, about 50 also FOR THE MAJOR DRAMAS ON THE HANDKE-DRAMA-BLOG to come a few dozen INDEX PAGE: [1] http://handke--revista-of- [2] http://handke--revista-of- [3] http://handke--revista-of- [4] http://handke--revista-of- [5] http://handke--revista-of- [6] http://handke--revista-of- [7] http://handke--revista-of- [8] http://handke--revista-of- [9] http://handke--revista-of- [10] http://handke--revista-of- ============================== INTRA-LINK PAGES [2] THE HANDKE-SCHOLAR-BLOG END OF MAY STATUS DEVELOPING... INDEX PAGE: ============================== INTRA-LINK PAGES [3] FOR THE HANDKE-YUGO-BLOG 24] http://handke-yugo.blogspot.25] http://handke-yugo. ============================== ============================== LINKS [4] TO THE HANDKE-YUGO-BLOG HANDKE-WATCH & HANDKE-DISCUSSION, HANDKE-TRIVIA & DRAMA BLOGS & PAGES OF THE HANDKE.SCRIPTMANIA.PROJECT MAY - JUNE - 2010 STATUS LINK OF LYNXES TO MOST HANDKE MATERIAL AND BLOGS ON THE WEB:INDEX PAGE: - - and sub-sites e.g. DRAMA SITES http://www.handkefilm. http://www.handkeTRANS. [TRANSLATION SITE AND LINK TO SCHWAGERLE ESSAY] http://picasaweb.google. BLOGS the American Scholar caused controversy about Handke, reviews, detailed of Coury/ Pilipp's THE WORKS OF PETER HANDKE, the psycho-biological monograph/ a note on Velica Hoca/ open letter to Robert Silvers + NYRB re: JS Marcus.. [moravian nights discussion, etc] the newest: bpth have the psychoanalytic monograph [the drama lecture] [dem handke auf die schliche/besuch auf dem Moenchsberg, a book of mine about Handke]
Member Seattle Psychoanalytic Institute and Society This LYNX will LEAP you to my HANDKE project sites and BLOGS: "MAY THE FOGGY DEW BEDIAMONDIZE YOUR HOOSPRINGS! + THE FIREPLUG OF FILIALITY REINSURE YOUR BUNGHOLE!" {J. Joyce} "Sryde Lyde Myde Vorworde Vorhorde Vorborde" [von Alvensleben] "Siena me fe, disfescimi Maremma." [Dante] "Ennui [Lange Weile] is the dreambird that hatches the egg of experience." [Walter Benjamin, the essay on Leskov.] This site and the various handke blogs and the handke.scriptmania project presents academic scholarship, creative personal essays, book reviews, bibliographic materials, primary text, etc. concerning the writings of Peter Handke. Submissions (in Rich Text Format) may be sent to [scriptoman AT lycos.com] in any language. http://www.handkelectures. |
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HANDKE, Peter, excerpts from books, full length pieces, also in translation into English, French, Spanish
I only name the site[s] on which the pieces can be found, since the order and even the names of the individual pages [it's 18 pages per site] can change. I will try to update this on a bi-annual basis & complete site by site by the end of February 2006. Reviews will be listed in the index only if of substantial nature.
Peter Handke: Der Krieg ist das Gebiet des Zufalls [yugo site] "Vor der Reise There are excerpts from all the plays in translation into English at the handkelectures site MAJOR AND MAJOR MINOR PIECES
SCOTT ABBOTT Aigner, Thomas: Aufatmen und schauen Zum Widerschein des Kinos in Prosatexten Peter Handkes [main + drama 1] UDRUZENJE KNJIZEVNIKA SRBIJE
Barry, Thomas , Reading/Writing: Short Pieces on Two Non-Fiction Texts by Peter Handke [main & scholar site] Corliss, Richard: R eview of Wings of Desire. Directed by
Apres un bref sejour en Macedoine et au Kosovo, lecrivain Regis Debray a publie le 13 mai, dans Le Monde, une Lettre dun voyageur au president de la Republique [yugo]
Galle, Birgit, re Abwesenheit/ [film] Greiner, Ulrich: [1]Das grosse Staunen des Peter Handke In seinem neuen wunderbaren Buch =Gestern unterwegs= erfaehrt man das Glueck des Lesens [2] various reviews [prose sites]; [3] Interview Gundelach, R: Geld ausgeben ist eine Kunst (1996) making of left handed woman [film
Hoeltgen, Stefan: prose II site Human Rights Archives on the Genocide in Bosnia(and the attempted genocide in Kosovo) [yugo]
Kilb, Andreas: DAS NEUNTE LAND [yugo] KINZER, Stephen: G erman Writer Sets Off Storm on Serbia
Dicatating Consensus
MCKEON, BELINDA :When Peter Handke burst onto the European literary scene of the late 1960s, [prose] Nova drama Petera Handkea =Voznja cunom ili komad za film o ratu= u reziji Dejana Mijaca Was Slobodan Milosevic bei seiner beruehmten Rede im Kosovo am 28. Juni 1989 wirklich gesagt hat PARLAMENTSKORRESPONDENZ/ BL/03.06.1996/Nr. 332 Radakovic, Zarko : Die Bruecke ueber die Drina [English translation of Serbian text, main and Yugo sites] Sunday, January 12, 1997 Home Edition Section: Book Review Page: 12 Short Book, Long Apology; A JOURNEY TO THE RIVERS: Justice for Serbia. By Peter Handke . Viking: 83 pp., .95 By: DAVID RIEFF [yugo] Reinhardt, Bernd: Austrijski Pisac Peter Handke, Evropsko Javno Mnjenje, I Rat U Jugoslaviji [yugo and main site] also in English and German. Der Journalismus hat versagt Roloff, Michael: Weaving a Handke Carpet, on One Year in the No-Man's-Bay, prose site; two long pieces on the Serbian Adven tures [Yugo site], a review of Three Assayings, [prose site], a long review of Subday Blues , [drama2 site]; an explication of The Piece about the Film about the War , [Drama2 site]; part of the postscript to Walk About the Villages, [drama site]; A piece on translating the early plays, the Sprechstuecke, Reichensperger, Richard Schauend und unterwegs Peter Handkes Beziehung zur Malerei [bild and scholar]
Gue nter Sasse: Comments on [In Einer Dunklen Nacht ging ich aus meinem stillen Haus] ONE DARK NIGHT I LEFT MY SILENT HOUSE [scholar] SCHNEIDER,Peter : The Writer Takes A Hike SCHUETTE, WOLFRAM Sonstiges:Selbst da, wo er irrt,behaelt Handkegegen Schneider recht TIME Inc. Europe:blow by blow of kosovo campaign [yugo]
Der Spiegel Nr. 12 vom 18.03.1996 Seite 219 - 220 Sandalen im Fluss Ein offener Brief an Peter Handke von seinem slowenischen Uebersetzer Borut Trekman |
LINK TO THE DRAMA SITE: http://www.handkedrama.scriptmania.com |